4H & Auction Information
LaPorte County 4-H Livestock Auction
Go to the area between the 4-H Office and the 4-H Food Stand to receive a buyer number.
If you have been a buyer in the last 3 years, you will have to verify your name, address, and phone number.
You will also be asked to sign for your buyer number.
After receiving a buyer number, pick up a “Sale Bill” that lists the order of the animals being auctioned, including 4-H’ers name, parent, and 4-H Club.
After registering, you are free to enter the arena, find a seat, and get ready to bid!
All animals are sold by the lot/head.
When the animal is presented, the bidding starts.
All you have to do is nod your head, raise your hand, raise your bidding number, or anything else to get the attention of the bid takers or auctioneer.
If you have the highest bid on the animal, you have won the bid on the animal! After winning the bid, hold up your bidder number so that the clerk and auctioneer can see the number.
A runner will then come to you with a lot sheet for you to sign, this confirms the sale. It is very important that when you sign the sheet, you have to verify your buyer number and designate where you want the animal to go. When designating your animal’s destination, you have two options:
Resale (Turn): the animal will be bought by a packer or auction barn at market price. When you turn an animal, you will pay the difference between the purchase pay and the market price and you will still be recognized for being a buyer at the Livestock Auction.
Keep: you will have to select a processor on the form. You are responsible for contacting the processor and giving them your cutting instructions.
Local Processors:
Monon Meat Packing & Catering (Monon, IN)
Saylor’s Custom Butchering (Grovertown, IN)
Sims’ Meat Processing (LaPorte, IN)
After you have made all of your purchases, please wait at least 30 minutes for your paperwork to make it through the clerking table. Then proceed to the settlement table where an auction official will print an invoice for you. You are required to make the full payment at that time. Please note: There is a 3% buyer fee. Cash sales will be discounted.
Cash, check*, Visa, or Mastercard are the only accepted payment methods.
If you have a buyers group, please pay with one check or credit card for the whole group.
*Checks should be made out to the LaPorte County 4-H Livestock Fund.
Scholarship Applications
Robert M. Morse Memorial Scholarship and Louis M. Daube Memorial Scholarships: $1500
Any graduating SENIOR who has been accepted by an accredited college or university and is enrolled in LaPorte County 4-H Club work.
Student may transfer colleges.
This may be used for a degree program of less than 4 years, but may not be used for technical schools.
Scholarship must be used the academic year presented.
LaPorte County Agricultural Association Vocational Scholarship Award: $1,500
Limited to High School Seniors & Current LaPorte County 4-H Member
Scholarship Year: 2023-2024 Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Reasons To Support 4H
4-H is a community of more than 6.5 million young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. The 4-H community also includes 3,500 staff, 538,000 volunteers and 60 million alumni.
4-Hers participate in fun, hands-on learning activities supported by the latest research of land-grant universities that are focused on three areas: healthy living, citizenship, and science, engineering and technology.
Youth can experience 4-H by becoming a member of a 4-H club, attending a 4-H camp, or joining school-based or after-school 4-H programs. 4-Hers can compete with their projects in contests at the local, state, regional or national levels and also attend conferences and events.